Product costs

The “Product costs” page provides a table listing all product-related expenses across your Amazon accounts with Business Analytics enabled. It also offers the ability to manage individual cost configurations and perform bulk operations to make simultaneous changes to multiple costs.

The “Product costs” page can be accessed in two ways:

  • SELLERLOGIC Homepage > Business Analytics | Product costs
  • Business Analytics navigation bar > Expenses > Product costs

Table fields

Below is a table listing all fields available on the "Product costs" page, along with their respective descriptions.

Column header Description Field type Column header filter
Amazon account name The name of the Amazon account associated with the product. Read-only Dropdown list
ASIN The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) is a 10-digit alphanumeric product identification number with a link to the product page on Amazon. One ASIN may cover several SKUs. Read-only Live search
SKU The Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) is the unique alphanumeric code used by Amazon to identify a product for inventory and sales purposes. On rare occasions, two different marketplaces may have the same SKU. Read-only Live search
Image The image of the product as received from Amazon. Read-only
Marketplace The Amazon marketplace where the product is listed. Read-only Dropdown list
Title The name or a short description of the product as received from Amazon. Read-only Live search
Condition The condition of the product as received from Amazon. Read-only Dropdown list
Fulfillment method

Indicates which fulfillment method is applied to the product:

FBA: Fulfillment by Amazon;

FBM: Fulfillment by merchant.

Read-only Dropdown list
Cost of goods

Current period value of the cost of goods for the product.

Info: If “Synchronization with Repricer” is enabled, the cost of goods value is taken from the Repricer “Net purchase price” field.

Editable Live search
Other fees

Current period value of the other fees for the product.

Info: If “Synchronization with Repricer” is enabled, the other fees value is taken from the Repricer “Other fees” field.

Editable Live search
Shipping costs

Current period value of the shipping cost for the product.

Note: The value of the “Shipping costs” for FBA products cannot be edited as it is provided by Amazon.

Info: If “Synchronization with Repricer” is enabled, the shipping costs value is taken from the Repricer “FBA fees” field.


*for FBM products

Live search

Current period value of the VAT for the product.

Info: If “Synchronization with Repricer” is enabled, the VAT value is taken from the Repricer “VAT(%)” field.

Editable Live search
Synchronize with Repricer Indicates if “Synchronization with Repricer” is enabled for the product or not. Editable Dropdown list

Note: When the table field displays “N/A”, it signifies that the corresponding data is not provided.

Table options

Each column header provides “Ascending” and “Descending” sorting options as well as individual filtering of data upon a click on the column header filters as provided in the table above.

The “Table settings” and “Table content” buttons, located at the lower right of the page, enable you to customize the view and content of the page table. The “Table content” modal form allows you to manage the columns of the table, by changing their respective order or visibility status. For more information, see SELLERLOGIC | Common service features.

The “Export results” button, represented as an up arrow icon at the top right of the page, enables the export of all fields with data from the first table page. By clicking this button, you can export up to 100 table rows in CSV, XLS, or XLSX file formats.

Manage your product costs

The “Product costs” page allows you to configure your “Cost of goods”, “Other fees”, “Shipping costs” (for FBM products), or “VAT(%)”. Locate the relevant product cost in the table and click on its value. This will open the corresponding cost settings form with the following cost data and settings options:

1. Product information: Provides details such as the product's title, ASIN, SKU, Amazon account, and image.
2. Transfer costs button: Allows you to transfer costs from the current marketplace to multiple marketplaces.
3. Repricer panel: Displays the current status of "Synchronization with Repricer" for the product.
4. Cost periods and values: Shows a breakdown of cost periods and their respective values.
5. Marketplace switcher: Enables you to switch between different marketplaces to view the product costs for each.

Transfer costs button

To transfer costs from the current marketplace, click on the “Transfer costs” button and select one or more destination marketplaces. This will copy all the costs and cost periods from the current marketplace, overriding any existing data in the destination marketplaces.

Note: The “Transfer costs” button is only available for the products listed on multiple marketplaces.

If you transfer costs to a marketplace with “Synchronization with Repricer” enabled, the current cost value from Repricer will not be provided immediately. Following the next scheduled Repricer synchronization, the value will be displayed within the Repricer panel. Costs for future periods will be overridden by the data from Repricer.

Repricer panel

The Repricer panel shows the current status of “Synchronization with Repricer” for the product. For products with synchronization enabled and values received from Repricer, the current cost period value is displayed within the Repricer panel.

The “Synchronization with Repricer” option transfers all cost values from Repricer and it has to be enabled separately per each marketplace of the product. Changing the status of synchronization affects all product costs within a single marketplace (“Cost of goods”, “Other fees”, “Shipping costs”, and “VAT(%)”). Synchronization cannot be set separately for each product cost.

The synchronization can be enabled or disabled in two ways:

  • In the “Product costs” table, by clicking on the value in the “Synchronization with Repricer” column;
  • In the cost settings form, by clicking "Connect" to enable or "Disconnect" to disable.

When synchronization is enabled, the current cost value will be set as a historical value with the current end date, and the value transferred from Repricer will be assigned as the current value. When synchronization is disabled, the transferred current period cost value will be set as a historical value without an end date.

Cost periods and values

Cost periods and their respective values are presented in two columns: periods (on the left) and total values (on the right). The current period cost value is always highlighted.

In the illustrated scenario displayed in the image, the “Other fees” value has been changed three times per each cost period:

  1. from infinity to December 15, 2022 (period value: 0,00 €);
  2. from December 15, 2022 to December 30, 2022 (period value: 8,00 €);
  3. from December 30, 2022 to infinity (period value: 11,32 €).

Cost periods

To update a cost period, click on the “Edit” button with the pencil icon next to the date and select a new start date for the period.

To add a new cost period, click on the “Split period” icon in the desired location on the timeline and choose a start date for the new period, ensuring no time gaps occur to prevent missing data.

To delete the cost period, click the “Delete” button with the trash bin icon next to the cost period value and confirm the action. Please note that the “Delete” button is unavailable when the Repricer section shows no value, and the first period was created manually. In such cases, you cannot delete the first period; instead, assign a zero period value.

If there are no cost periods assigned to the product within the marketplace, select “Add new” and assign the cost value by clicking the “Edit” button.

Note: Adding cost periods in the future is disabled if “Synchronization with Repricer” is enabled for this product.

Cost values

The cost value represents the total value of all cost types assigned for a specific period and is always displayed in the currency of the current marketplace.

To update a cost value for a particular period, click on the “Edit” button with the pencil icon next to the period value. This will open the cost edit table with the following fields and options:

  • “Cost/fee type”: The title assigned to the cost type, which can be selected from a dropdown list or created as a new entry by entering a title in the "Cost type" text input field and clicking the plus icon button. Each cost type must have a unique title. Once created, the custom cost type is saved in Business Analytics and can be used for assigning costs to other products or marketplaces.
  • “Unit price”: The product price per unit.
  • “Quantity”: The number of product units.
  • “Total”: The total value for all product units.
  • “Currency”: The price currency, which can be changed by selecting a currency from the dropdown list. Info: Business Analytics offers a currency exchange calculator to facilitate the conversion of financial values to currencies other than your home marketplace. To open the currency exchange calculator, click on the currency exchange icon. You may edit the currency exchange rate if necessary. For more information, see SELLERLOGIC | Currency. Please note that currency exchange rate editing is disabled when assigning values for the cost periods in the future.
  • “Note”: Additional notes or comments regarding the cost for internal use.

Add new cost/fee: To add a new cost value to the cost edit table, click the “Add new cost/fee” button with the plus icon in the upper right of the cost edit table. Fill out the fields with cost information and click “Save”.

Delete: To delete the cost type and its value in the cost edit table, click the “Delete” button with the trash bin icon at the end of the relevant table line.

Edit VAT value

To edit the period value for the “VAT(%)”, click on the “Edit” button with the pencil icon next to the total cost value in the “VAT” settings form, enter the new value, and click the check mark.

Marketplace switcher

The cost settings form displays all marketplaces where the product is listed. The home marketplace, chosen when enabling Business Analytics, is labeled with a house icon. The currently viewed marketplace is always highlighted. To see the product costs for another marketplace, switch the form view by clicking on the desired marketplace.

Bulk edit

The bulk edit operation allows you to apply changes to multiple costs at once. Before applying bulk changes, you must first select the relevant costs in the “Product costs” table. You can select costs by:

  • checking/unchecking the box of each individual cost located at the beginning of the relevant table line;
  • checking/unchecking the checkbox in the column header row to select/deselect all products on the page;
  • using the arrow icon dropdown to select one of the following options:

Select all: to select all costs from all table pages taking into account applied column filters;

Products on current page: to select all costs from the current page taking into account applied column filters;

Clear selection: to uncheck all previously selected costs.

Product bulk edit form

Having selected at least one cost in the “Product costs” table, the “Bulk edit” button appears in the table header. Click the button to open the “Product bulk edit” form. Choose the bulk actions you want to perform on the selected products and click “Change”.

The only bulk action currently available is "Synchronize with Repricer," which allows you to enable or disable synchronization with Repricer for selected products.

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