This is a auto-generated Article of all your definitions within the glossary.


This is a auto-generated Article of all your definitions within the glossary.

Date picker filter

The date picker allows you to filter data based on a date or date range. It provides a calendar interface and predefined periods for easy date selection. Select the column header filter with the date picker to open the calendar form. Navigate through the calendar using the arrow icons (one arrow switches the month, double arrow switches the year). You can input an exact date or choose from predefined periods within the dropdown list opened upon a click on the down-arrow icon. Below is a table listing all predefined periods available within the date picker forms, along with their respective descriptions.


The dropdown list filter provides you with a range of possible values for selection. You can filter table information by choosing from the available options in the list.


Filtering data

Filtering allows you to narrow down the data displayed in a table by selecting specific values within column headers. Multiple column filters can be applied simultaneously. To reset all applied filters for table columns, select the funnel icon located to the left of the first column header.


Live search filter

Live search functionality enables you to search for specific keywords within a column dynamically. When selecting the column header filter with the live search option, it becomes an input field. Enter your search keywords (whole or partial) into the input field and the table will update in real time to display only those entries that contain the filtered value within the column with the filter enabled. NA: To filter entries with no values or 0 values within a column, type NA into the corresponding header filter. For columns with numeric values, live search offers additional filtering options using comparison operators: < (less than) <= (less than or equal to) > (greater than) >= (greater than or equal to) <> (not equal to) = (equals)


Sorting data

Table data can be sorted by the values in a specific column, either in ascending or descending order. Click on the three-line icon within the column header filter and choose the desired sorting option: Ascending: Sort from A to Z (smallest to largest values). Descending: Sort from Z to A (largest to smallest values). Columns with sorting enabled are indicated by a corresponding sorting icon. It's important to note that sorting can be applied to only one column at a time.


Table content

The content displayed in the table can be customized by selecting which columns to show or hide. To customize the content, click the “Table content” button at the lower right corner of the table page to open the “Table content” modal form. This form allows you to manage the content columns of the table, by changing their respective order or visibility status. Check the checkboxes of the columns you want to view in the table and uncheck the unnecessary ones. Reorder columns by dragging and dropping them as needed. Use the “Reset” button to return to default content settings. Click “Apply” to save changes and return to the table page.


Table settings

“Table settings” allow you to customize the sizes of table columns according to your preferences. To adjust the column width, click the “Table settings” button at the lower right corner of the table page. Locate the split arrows icon between the desired columns, drag and drop it to set the new column width. Click the “Close” button (with the X icon) at the lower right corner to save changes and exit “Table settings”. Use the “Reset to default” button (with the circle arrow icon at the lower right corner) to revert column widths to their initial settings.


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