Subscriptions overview

This document outlines the pricing model and subscription options for SELLERLOGIC Repricer for Amazon. It covers key details about available subscription plans, product optimization limits, billing cycles, and additional charges for On-Demand Product Optimizations. The pricing model offers flexibility to choose between monthly or annual billing cycles, with the ability to adjust product optimization limits to match business needs.

Subscriptions overview

Repricer subscriptions are based on a chosen subscription plan and the average daily product optimization amount, which defines your monthly product optimization limit. The selected subscription plan and product optimization limit determine your fixed monthly fee. There are no restrictions on the number of accounts, marketplaces, or products included in a subscription.

Note: When setting up the subscription, the displayed price per product optimization is an estimated daily cost for the entire subscription, intended for informational and comparison purposes only. Please be aware that manual calculations might yield different results, as costs may vary depending on the number of days in a month and the actual usage of product optimizations. This does not affect the subscription price, which remains consistent each month.

Subscription plans

Repricer offers three subscription plans with varying levels of features and an additional 14-day free trial period for new customers. Your choice of subscription depends on the number of product optimizations you require and the features that best align with your needs.

  • Freemium: A free plan with up to 20 product offers available for optimizations. It has no time limit and can only be canceled or upgraded manually. Note: If no paid plan is selected after the 14-day free trial, Repricer will be automatically switched to the Freemium plan. If more than 20 product offers have active product optimization, all product optimizations will be disabled and must be manually re-enabled.
  • Starter: A paid plan with access to Repricer starter features.
  • Advanced: A paid plan that includes all Starter features, and unlocks additional Repricer features.

To view and manage your subscriptions, navigate to Settings menu > Subscriptions > Repricer.

Product optimization limits

The product optimization limit represents the total number of product optimizations that can be processed within a month. This limit is applied each month, regardless of the chosen billing cycle (monthly or annually), and is reset at midnight UTC on the last day of the month. 

The product optimization limit is determined based on the average daily optimized product amount selected during subscription setup and is calculated by multiplying these daily optimized products by the number of days in the current month. For example, if your selected average daily product optimization amount is 2,000 optimizations, you will have a total of 62,000 product optimizations for March (31 days) and 60,000 for April (30 days).

Product optimization refers to the process where the price of a product offer (a single SKU with active optimization) is optimized throughout the day, as long as the product remains in stock. 

  • Multiple price changes within the same day are counted as one product optimization. 
  • The product optimization counts for B2B and B2C offers of a single SKU are counted as two separate product optimizations. 
  • Products that are either out of stock or have the “Optimization active” toggle disabled are excluded from the optimization count. 
  • It is important to note that the ”Optimization active" toggle being enabled does not necessarily result in a price change.

Once your monthly product optimization limit is reached:

  • You will receive a notification to inform you about the limit being exhausted;
  • If the "On-Demand Product Optimization" option is enabled, any further product optimizations will incur an additional charge based on the “On-Demand Product Optimization” price per unit. For more information, see On-Demand Product Optimizations.

If you do not use the entire monthly product optimization limit, any unused product optimizations will expire at the end of the current month.

To view your product optimization usage statistics and manage the product optimization limit settings, navigate to Settings menu > Subscriptions > Repricer.

Calculation examples

  • Average daily product optimization amount: 100 per day
  • Product optimization limit for April: 100 (daily product optimization amount) x 30 (days) = 3,000 product optimizations
  • Used product optimizations: 2,450 product optimizations in April
  • Unused product optimizations: 550 product optimizations will expire on April 30th.

Billing cycles

All paid subscription plans are available with either monthly or annual billing options. The current subscription is automatically renewed under the same terms at the end of each billing cycle.

Monthly billing

Your fixed monthly fee is determined by the selected subscription plan and average daily product optimization amount. If the total number of product optimizations used within a given month does not exceed your monthly product optimization limit, the cost remains the fixed monthly fee.

If the product optimization limit is exceeded, additional charges will apply for extra On-Demand Product Optimizations. For more information, see On-Demand Product Optimizations.

For monthly billing, invoices are generated at the beginning of the following month. If the subscription begins mid-month, the first monthly fee will be prorated based on the number of days remaining from the sign-up date.

Annual billing

The annual subscription offers a discounted rate, which is the equivalent of two free months per year. The fixed annual fee is calculated as ten times the monthly fee. As with monthly billing, any On-Demand Product Optimizations that exceed the monthly product optimization limit will incur additional charges on a monthly basis.

For annual billing, invoices are generated at the beginning of the month following the activation of the annual subscription. The full annual fee is charged upfront. For example, if you subscribe to an annual plan on February 10, 2025, you will be invoiced for the full year at the beginning of March 2025. When the annual billing cycle ends, the invoice for the next year will be issued on February 1, 2026.

To view and manage your subscription settings, navigate to Settings menu > Subscriptions > Repricer.

On-Demand Product Optimizations

On-Demand Product Optimizations refer to any additional optimizations that are processed once your monthly product optimization limit is reached. These optimizations are billed separately every month, regardless of the chosen billing cycle (monthly or annually).

Enable the “On-Demand Product Optimization” feature to allow the optimization of additional products once the monthly product optimization limit is reached, without upgrading to the next product optimization limit tier.

The "On-Demand Product Optimization" charge is accounted for on a monthly basis and is proportional to the number of extra product optimizations used during the billing month. Charges are based on the unit price for “On-Demand Product Optimization” which is shown during the subscription selection process. They are calculated at the end of the current month and included in the following invoice.

The "On-Demand Product Optimization” charge is only applied if the total monthly product optimization limit is exceeded in the current month.

Tip: If you anticipate needing extra product optimizations, consider selecting a higher average daily product optimization amount (e.g., 1,000 product optimizations per day) to benefit from a lower “On-Demand Product Optimization” price per unit. Higher product optimization limits provide more cost-effective rates.

For annual subscriptions, invoices are generated monthly for any On-Demand Product Optimizations processed within the given month. Please note that monthly product optimization limits remain applicable, even with annual billing.

Disabling On-Demand Product Optimizations

The "On-Demand Product Optimization" option is enabled by default for all accounts and can be disabled at anytime through the "Subscriptions" page. If this option is disabled, once the product optimization limit for the current month is reached, price optimization processing will stop and resume only on the first day of the following month or when the "On-Demand Product Optimization” option is re-enabled.

Note: Charges for previously processed On-Demand Product Optimizations remain applicable even after the "On-Demand Product Optimization” option gets disabled.

Calculation examples

Example 1

Your Starter monthly plan with a 3,000 average daily product optimization amount (€265/month) is billed monthly on the 1st. For the period from April 1st to April 30th, the system processed 99,532 product optimizations with the “On-Demand Product Optimization” option enabled:

  • Monthly product optimization limit for April: 3,000 selected daily amount x 30 days = 90,000 product optimizations
  • “On-Demand Product Optimization” usage: 99,532 product optimizations processed - 90,000 monthly limit = 9,532 over your monthly limit

On May 1st, you will be billed a total of €307.20:

  • Fixed monthly fee for April: €265.00
  • “On-Demand Product Optimization” charge for April: €42.20 (€0.00443 “On-Demand Product Optimization” price per unit x 9,532 On-Demand Product Optimizations)

Example 2 

Your Starter annual plan with a 3,000 average daily product optimization amount (€265/month) is billed annually. You subscribed to the annual plan on March 21st. For the period from March 21st to March 31st, the system processed 39,444 product optimizations with the “On-Demand Product Optimization” option enabled:

  • Monthly product optimization limit for March: 3,000 selected daily amount x 11 days = 33,000 product optimizations
  • “On-Demand Product Optimization” usage: 39,444 product optimizations processed - 33,000 monthly limit = 6,444 over your monthly limit

On April 1st, you will be billed a total of €2,678.55:

  • Fixed annual fee: €2,650.00 (10 months x €265.00, with 2 months free)
  • “On-Demand Product Optimization” charge for March 21st - 31st: €28.55 (€0.00443 “On-Demand Product Optimization” price per unit x 6,444 On-Demand Product Optimizations)

Subscription management

Current subscription

You can upgrade your current subscription plan or increase the product optimization limit at any time on the "Subscriptions" page. You have the flexibility to manage your current subscription manually or enable the “Automatic Subscription Upgrade” feature, which automatically upgrades your subscription when it becomes more cost-effective based on your usage of On-Demand Product Optimizations. 

If your subscription is upgraded during the month (manually or automatically), the new monthly fee will apply to the entire month and be reflected in your next invoice. Your billing date will remain unchanged. Any On-Demand Product Optimizations that have already been used will be skipped.

Example: Your current plan costs €55/month, and your billing date is the 1st of each month. On March 15th, you upgrade to a plan that costs €85/month. The new €85 fee will apply for the entire month of March, even though you upgraded mid-month. On April 1st, your invoice will include the €85 charge for March (instead of the previous €55).

Automatic Subscription Upgrade

The "Automatic Subscription Upgrade” feature automatically increases your subscription to a higher product optimization limit when your “On-Demand Product Optimization” charges reach a level where an upgrade becomes more economical. This ensures that your subscription remains cost-effective, avoiding unnecessary overcharges for exceeding your current product optimization limit.

The "Automatic Subscription Upgrade” feature is available only for monthly subscriptions. If you are on an annual subscription, the automatic upgrade is unavailable.

The automatic upgrade is enabled by default. To disable it, go to the "Subscriptions" page and switch off the "Automatic Subscription Upgrade” toggle. If disabled, you will receive a notification when it becomes more cost-effective to manually upgrade your current subscription.

Note: The automatic upgrade applies only to the product optimization limit and does not impact your subscription plan.

How it works

The “Automatic Subscription Upgrade” feature is triggered when your monthly “On-Demand Product Optimization” charges exceed the difference between your current subscription fee and the cost of the next available subscription level.

The upgrade will not be triggered if your total subscription cost for the month does not surpass the cost of the next subscription level.

Calculation examples

  • Current subscription: Starter plan (€185/month) with a monthly product optimization limit of 2,000
  • “On-Demand Product Optimization” price per unit: €0.00463
  • Next subscription level: €205/month with a monthly product optimization limit of 2,250

Once the amount of On-Demand Product Optimizations within the given month reaches 4,320, the total monthly charge will equal the cost of the next subscription level (€205/month) and the automatic upgrade will trigger:

  • Total monthly charge: €185 fixed monthly fee + 4,320 On-Demand Product Optimizations x €0.00463 “On-Demand Product Optimization” price per unit = €205
  • Automatic Subscription Upgrade trigger: The upgrade will be triggered after you exceed the 6,320 product optimizations in the given month (2,000 monthly product optimization limit + 4,320 On-Demand Product Optimizations)

Manual upgrade

You can manually upgrade your current subscription at any time on the "Subscriptions" page, regardless of the chosen billing cycle (monthly or annual). Manual upgrades allow you to upgrade both the product optimization limit and the subscription plan based on your usage and business needs.

Once upgraded, your subscription will remain at the new plan level for all future billing cycles until you manually change it again.

Note: Downgrading to a lower product optimization limit or subscription plan is impossible within the current subscription. However, you can adjust the subscription to your business needs by selecting the desired subscription plan and product optimization limit for the next subscription cycle. 

Next subscription

For the next subscription, you can select either a higher or lower subscription plan, as well as increase or decrease the product optimization limit. These changes will take effect at the start of the next billing cycle.

Cancelling a subscription

You can cancel your Repricer subscription anytime on the "Subscriptions" page.

Free subscriptions: Cancellation takes effect immediately upon confirmation. 

Paid subscriptions: Cancellation takes effect at the end of the current billing cycle. Until then, you can continue using Repricer with full functionality. Once the billing cycle ends, all product optimizations will be stopped. 

Note: Your product data will be archived from Repricer 48 hours after the billing cycle ends. If you re-enable Repricer after this period, all your products will be re-imported from Amazon, and any previously stored settings for those SKUs will be restored. However, optimizations will remain disabled until manually activated.

If you have already chosen the next subscription plan, canceling your current paid subscription will also cancel the next plan. The next subscription plan can be canceled at any time before it starts.

Tip: You can renew your subscription anytime before the billing cycle ends by clicking “Renew subscription”. This will restore your current subscription plan. If you have selected the plan for the next subscription, it will only take effect after the current billing cycle ends.

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