Price history

The “Price history” modal form provides a graphical representation of price changes for your product over the past 5 days.

To access the “Price history” modal form, go to Repricer > Products > My products and click on the “Price history” button with the graph icon within the product toolbar, located at the beginning of the relevant table line.

Chart overview

The “Price history” modal form presents an interactive graphical display that showcases the historical pricing data for the selected product. The chart is displayed as a line graph, where the vertical Y-axis represents the product's price and the horizontal X-axis represents the period.

At the top of the graph, a summary of price changes is displayed, presenting the following information:

  • “Current price”: Refers to the current selling price of the product.
  • “Price optimization”: Shows the number of times the price was changed by the optimization strategy over the past 5 days.
  • “Last price change”: Specifies the time and date of the most recent change in the product’s price.

Zoom and navigate

The “Price history” chart includes zoom and navigation controls, allowing you to focus on specific time ranges and receive more detailed statistics for specific periods of interest.

To zoom in on a particular time period, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Price History” graph at the beginning of the desired time period;
  2. Hold the click and drag the cursor to the end of the period;
  3. Release the click to complete the selection.

By performing this action, the selected portion of the chart will be zoomed in, displaying more detailed analytics and statistics for the chosen time range. To return back, click “Zoom out”.

Price change

The "Price change" section is presented separately below each time period when the product's price has been updated. The fields within each "Price change" section include:

  • “Price change”: The price of the product applied by the optimization strategy during that particular period.
  • “Old price”: The former price of the product, before it was changed by the optimization strategy.
  • “Min price”: The “Min price” configured for the product. If the set price reaches the “Min price” value, the number will be highlighted in red to indicate that the price cannot be changed to a lower value.
  • “Max price”: The “Max price” configured for the product. If the set price reaches the “Max price” value, the number will be highlighted in red to indicate that the price cannot be changed to a higher value.
  • “Uploaded”: Indicates if the price change has been successfully sent to Amazon or not.

Note: The price values do not include the “Shipping price”.

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