Account management

The “Account management” page serves as a centralized hub of the SELLERLOGIC Platform, offering access to a range of tools and settings for managing SELLERLOGIC services.

The Business Analytics tab located on the “Account management” page is designed to manage Business Analytics settings and subscriptions. The tab is available per each Amazon account on the left side of the account section.

The Business Analytics account management tab can be accessed in two ways:

  • SELLERLOGIC Homepage > Settings | Amazon accounts > Business Analytics
  • Settings menu > Amazon accounts > Amazon accounts > Business Analytics

Tab view

When Business Analytics is enabled for an Amazon account, the view of the tab corresponding to that account includes information about all connected marketplaces, as well as the current, and next subscription details. The marketplaces displayed within the tab belong to the region selected during the Business Analytics setup.

If Business Analytics is not enabled for an account, the view of the tab will only include the option to enable Business Analytics directly from this page. Clicking the “Enable” button launched the Business Analytics setup wizard. For more information about the wizard steps, see Business Analytics | Setup.

Manage subscriptions

Current subscription

Your current Business Analytics subscription is displayed in the center of the Business Analytics account management tab under “Current subscription”. It includes information about the subscription's duration, with the first and last day of the subscription period indicated below. Please note that the current paid subscription cannot be edited or stopped.

To view the details of the current subscription, click the “Subscription details” button and open the “Subscription settings for Business Analytics” modal form. The details of your current subscription are shown leftward under “Current subscription” and include the duration period and an "Auto-renew" toggle for enabling or disabling the automatic renewal of your current subscription plan.

Note: The “Auto-renew” toggle is available only if the next subscription plan is not selected. Cancel your next subscription plan selection to enable the automatic renewal.

The “Subscription settings for Business Analytics” modal form includes information about all your Amazon accounts with Business Analytics enabled. The account details are shown in panels with the following information:

Account name: The name of your Amazon account with the link to that account on the “Account management” page.

Orders: The number of orders reported for this account during the current billing period.

Total orders: The sum of all orders reported during the current billing period for all accounts included in the current subscription.

Include in next subscription

This toggle is used to include or remove this account from the next subscription. Please note that you cannot remove the account from the current subscription.

Next subscription

Your next Business Analytics subscription plan is displayed in the center of the Business Analytics account management tab under “Next subscription”. It includes information about the duration of the subscription period. This plan becomes active once the current subscription expires.

To manage the next subscription, click the “Subscription details” button to open the “Subscription settings for Business Analytics” modal form. The details of the next subscription are shown rightward under “Next subscription” and include the duration period and the corresponding button to manage the next subscription plan:

  • “Set up subscription” if the next subscription plan is not chosen;
  • “Change subscription” if the next subscription plan is selected but you wish to change it.

In the “Next subscription for Business Analytics” select the estimated number of your monthly orders from the “Number of orders per month” dropdown list or leave the default amount calculated based on the current data. Choose one of the four subscription plans offered for Business Analytics and click “Subscribe”. Please note that the "Subscribe" button is disabled for the currently selected “Next subscription”.

Alternatively, you can click “Cancel next subscription” and Business Analytics will be disabled for this account once the current subscription expires.

Types of subscriptions

Business Analytics offers one subscription for any number of your Amazon accounts. There are four types of paid subscription plans, the size of which depends on the number of your orders.

3 months
6 months 5 % discount
12 months 10 % discount
24 months 15 % discount

Info: The “14 days” is a free trial subscription plan. It expires exactly after 14 days after it has been activated.

Connect a new account to Business Analytics

You can enable Business Analytics to another Amazon account directly from the “Account management” page. Click on the “Add/restore account” button with the plus icon at the top right of the page and select Business Analytics in the “Create an Amazon account” modal form. This will launch the Business Analytics setup wizard. For more information about the wizard steps, see Business Analytics | Setup.

Additionally, the “Add/restore account” button provides options to add a new Amazon account and enable two or more SELLERLOGIC services at once. To learn more, see SELLERLOGIC | Account management.

Disconnect Business Analytics

Business Analytics can be disabled for a specific Amazon account during the trial period by clicking the “Disable product” button and confirming the action. Please note that disabling Business Analytics will cancel the trial subscription without the possibility of being restored in the future.

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